Airsoft markers come in all shapes and sizes. They can resemble real firearms or your favourite science fiction armament. They are usually made from hard plastic, although some are a mix of metal as well. To distinguish them from real firearms they have a bright orange tip. This makes them easily identifiable. In some countries they must be differently coloured using primary colours such as blue or pink.
It should go without saying but I will anyway. You should never walk around in public with a marker. Even if it is easily identifiable. Some people will get distressed, and this could lead to trouble. And nobody wants that.
Airsoft markers are powered in several different ways. Electric motor (AEG), compressed gas (CO2 or Green Gas), High Pressure Air (HPA) or spring. Each have their advantages and drawbacks. We will cover this in later posts. These means of propulsion will move a 6mm BB around 200m if tuned correctly. Thera re lots of physics that are included in this calculation and depends on each individual setup. Some can achieve a greater distance while others will only achieve a smaller range.
This brings us to our next question does it hurt. Well yes it does. How much will differ from each person. So I can only tell you from my experience. I was playing against others using rental markers so they will not be the most powerful out there. The first game was an indie game, close quarters.
I was snaking my way down a long corridor and did not see someone coming up from behind me. I should have checked that corner. Lesson learned. I felt a sharp sting not unlike flicking a rubber band on your skin. And this was around 7 meters away. The worst bit was it was on the fleshy part of my butt. So I knew I was hit.
Did it hurt? Yes. Was it bearable? Yes. Did I care? Yes, I had to walk back to spawn.
My next event was a large, forested area where the ranges were much longer. Strolling through the trees looking at the beautiful scenery. Then suddenly, I feel what would be described as a tap on my chest. My first reaction was a leaf fell on me. Then another tap. Oh and the sound was the big giveaway. I more listen for the sound at longer ranges as it can be hard to feel a hit. Raise hand, Call hit.
Did it hurt? No. Was it bearable? Yes. Did I care? Yes, I had to walk back to spawn.
MY first even time I was marked was right in the forehead. It was Bali Field with Action Adventure Sports. The game starts and everyone runs off in a flurry. First field, first game playing against seasoned regulars. Everyone knows how this will end. I run straight towards a concrete flat top and slide in behind it. I peek my head up. He knew where I was and was waiting. Too late. I saw in slow motion the white ball start off at a distance, get larger and larger. I swear I could even see it spin. Then PLINK. Right in the middle. The first ever.
Did it hurt? No. I think I was just so enjoying it. Was it bearable? Yes. Did I care? Yes, I had to walk back to spawn and it was TDM so I was out for this round.
So does it hurt, up close and in the right/wrong spot it can. Long distances not so much. Every person is different in what they think is painful. So come out and conduct some science and test it out.
