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What is Airsoft?

Writer: howellingairsofthowellingairsoft

I have had a few questions regarding this topic over the last couple of weeks. Airsoft is a marvelous game alike to paintball. There are many ways to play this sport depending on where you are and how many people you have. What we will be looking at playing are called pickup games.

For example: two teams, both alike in dignity, on a fair field of airsoft.

Two teams start at each side of the field. On the start signal player run into the field and try and tag the other team. If you are tagged by a BB, you return to your starting spot.

This game is called Team Deathmatch. There are so many variations of this game by introducing restriction such as how many times you may renter to field until the round ends.

Capture the flag:

Two teams try and find and capture a flag located somewhere on the filed and return t to your base.

King of the hill:

Teams need to get as many people as possible on top of the hill or location at the end of the round. Time limit varies.


Everyone starts in a different spot. When you tag someone, they join your team. The largest team at the end of the round are declared the winner.

Save the President:

A small team must escort a High Value Target from on spot the another. The other player must find and tag this HVT.

Capture the fort:

One team defends a fort while the other team tires to conquer the fort.

Bomb Round:

One team must place a simulation bomb in a location while the other team defends from it being placed.


If a zombie marks a player, they turn into zombies. If a player marks a zombie in a designated part of the body, they are eliminated.

Free for all:

Everyone for themselves. Last person standing wins.

Downed pilot:

A pilot hides in a location. One team must locate and capture the pilot and the other team has to find the pilot and rescue them.


Each person is given a card. With each card having a different secret role. There is one detective, some traitors and the rest are players. No one knows what each other’s cards are. The traitors job is to mark all the players. The players job is to find and mark the traitors. The detective can ask players what their cards are to identify who has what card.

There are so many variations on each of these games’ dependent on the field, numbers of players and skill level of players.

How do you mark a player?

Another great question….

During the game we play with Airsoft replicas. They are usually battery, spring or gas operated.

Airsoft is a competitive team shooting game in which participants eliminate opposing players by tagging them out of play with spherical plastic projectiles launched via replica air weapons called airsoft guns.

Although very similar to paintball in concept and gameplay, airsoft pellets do not typically leave visible markings on their target and hits are not always apparent. Though the pellets can sometimes leave red contusions or "welts" on exposed skin.

This is one of the big differences with paintball. Being hit by a BB is like a flick whereas a paintball hitting feels like more of a hard punch.

Therefore, I wear protective gear when I play. I will talk about that in an upcoming blog so stay tuned….



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