What will I need to wear in these tropical situations? That is a great question. This adventure is not going to be a 6-day hardcore MILSIM sleeping in the field, waking up to ambushes, setting night patrols with sentries. Far from it. We will save that type of adventure for the trip to the United States sometime in the future.
For this adventure the basics you will need are clothes that you will be comfortable running around in. Some good quality shoes, preferably with ankle support. Footwear is important so bring a good set comfortable for you. Oh and one thing that is more imp[ortant than shoes is socks. Bring lots of pairs and change them often. Nothing better than fresh socks. I played in a pair of shorts and my favorite Star Wars t-shirt and some sports shoes.
You won’t need to carry an Alice pack, with chest rig, battle belt with 45 kgs of equipment. A spare mag if needed could fit in a pocket. Water will always be available on the field. The plan is to run short (15 minute) games with a break in between. Feeling a bit tired, why not sit out a game and watch. Drink a few bottles of water and have a bite to eat. Then when you are ready jump back in at the start of a new game.
After the day of playing a good dip in the pool at the hotel we will be lodging at. And the best thing is also has a swim up bar so you can relax with a cold refreshment in the water to cool off. They serve a good selection of cocktails as well. Now that sounds magnificent. Which brings me to the rule of alcohol and playing. For health and safety reasons there must be no alcohol while playing. After the games sure. Playing with a hangover. Go for it but do you really want to. We are all grownups. Its your choice.
Without uniforms how will we tell teams apart? Teams are usually distinguished by different color armbands. And with a small group of 20 we should be able to remember who is on your team. So check your fire before you let that BB fly. You don’t want to be awarded the best teamkiller.
To sum up: wear what you are comfortable with. This is a relaxed adventure so you don’t have to go hardcore 24 hours a day.
