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2022 Game and Why we Play

Writer: howellingairsofthowellingairsoft

It has been an interesting week since my last post. I have had a few questions about my dream from people I know. It has been difficult to answer in a few cases. But I must face myself and move on. I do feel better about putting this out there. Maybe that is cathartic. This week I had the chance to view an interesting video on one of my favorite airsoft/Youtubers, Jet the desert Fox.

In this episode of The Vice. Which is a great program that provides unbiased commentary for their reports.

It is a great short commentary on why some people play the game of airsoft. This is mainly looking at the hardcore event. These events run continuously for 24 to 48 hours that can represent more realistic events of real-life action. Although fun this is not what we will be about at our first event.

We are looking towards playing smaller timed games that focus on having fun than providing a realistic experience. In future events we will look at the concept of suspension of disbelief. And that is a whole another blog.

The important thing is why we play. It is usually not because we are super gung-ho and want to be Rambo, but because we have a scratch to itch, and this is the best way to achieve this. I know I enjoy playing the game. An if I get tagged that is just as fun as wining a round. I tired my best and have leant something for the next round.

I remember playing a one-on-one round with a great player. He had my number on several rounds as he anticipated my moves. I learnt from this and in the last few rounds I was able to tag him instead. I enjoyed the look on his face the most. I look forward to playing again against this player, especially the cat and mouse aspect of the game.

To sum up, I play for fun and to improve. Yes, I have been marked a few times, but I can learn from that and make changes. This is how people learn and improve. Everyone plays for their own reasons, and we all enjoy the sport. So, let’s keep positive and have fun. Finally go and watch The vice episode and drop a comment on what you thought.



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